The Quick Fix: Catering & Service
The Quick Fix is for when you have an important client meeting or team function and you want to ensure that the hospitality is not merely adequate, but exceptional. Our team of hospitality professionals will take care of the food, ambiance, and logistics so you can focus on your pitch and building rapport with your clients. By creating a memorable experience, you'll leave a lasting impression and increase your chances of success.
Custom Experience
For those looking to go above and beyond, our completely custom experience offers a near-magical affair that combines entertainment, training, and appreciation. Through elements such as delayed gratification, tension building, and misdirection, we'll entertain and educate your team while reinforcing the importance of unforgettable hospitality
Unforgettable Training:
Our training sessions are all designed to educate your team on the power of unforgettable hospitality in an entertaining and inspirational way. Through interactive presentations and real-life examples, we'll not only teach your teams the recipe for crafting unforgettable experiences but also how to apply it to enhance customer loyalty and improve company culture.
Training and Experience Combo
This immersive experience combines training with a hands-on demonstration of unforgettable hospitality. Your team will not only learn about the principles behind unforgettable experiences but also experience them firsthand through a carefully curated event. From exquisite catering to captivating storytelling, this experience will leave a lasting impact on your team.
Customer experience consultation
Incorporating unforgettable hospitality in sales pitches, guest tours, or presentations involves assessing various aspects of the interaction to determine the level of excellence and effectiveness. Our team will participate in your presentation and then write a full report based on assessing our experience using our Memorable X Matrix,' which consists of 10 main criteria for unforgettable hospitality.